Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Musings from a Cloud CMO


       Cloud solutions are not going anywhere. You have two choices, either get on board or get left behind. Many IT professionals are singing praises over how great and wonderful Cloud infrastructures are, but that is their job. They understand the back end technologies that go into producing Cloud infrastructures, and they are amazed at how incredibly intricate the design of the server casing is. They relish in the ability to play with configuration settings, and bandwidth tests, but the truth is that the end user who comes in to work every morning, turns on their computer to immediately read about press halting news from sources like Facebook and Twitter, well they just don't care what virtual farm they are accessing this information from, how much bandwidth they are utilizing, all they care about is that it works. That's where this blog comes in. I will be exploring how our company is deploying Cloud solutions for our clients, breaking, "The Cloud" down, and providing information on the changes that are on the horizon for Cloud Solutions.
       As Chief Marketing Officer for a technology consulting firm, we are knee deep in soft, fuzzy cloud technology and we are working to bring that technology to as many companies, government agencies, doctors offices, lawyers, and even school districts we can. But, the main issue we face as a consulting firm is helping people understand the catch phrase, Cloud Solutions, and what it means for them.
     Cloud technology is new, immature, and exciting, all of which bring to mind many different scenarios for many different people. If you're a first mover, this is a great opportunity for your company to have the latest technology first. If you're slower to market it could mean that you are reviewing all options before making a decision and when that time comes, which should be sooner rather then later, Cloud technology could be for you. If your a dinosaur and still do math with an abacus then by the time you read this we will be flying around in hover cars, but by then, even you will utilize Cloud technology in some way.

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